29 Apr

Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder that us characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing patterns or examples of abnormally low breathing when asleep. Each and every pause between breaths is termed as apnea - this word is acquired from a Green word, apnoia meaning without breath. In the event you have a normal breathing, the occurrences of pauses is regular and constant. And when the breathing pattern alters because of some reasons, and the interval between these successive pauses begin to be irregular it will lead to a disorder called sleep apnea. Each and every irregular pause is termed as hypopnea. As a result, in cause of normal breathing patterns, every pause or interval is called as apnea while in the even of abnormal breathing it is called as hypopnea at www.sleeptest.co.uk

Individuals who suffer from this disorder usually dont know that they have it. Particular symptoms can make sure whether an individual is having the disorder. The main symptoms are composed of difficulty in breathing while asleep, snoring loudly and frequently, feeling very sleepy during the day, night sweats, gasping or choking during sleep, restless sleeping patterns and insomnia. The other symptoms that could indicate the presence of this disorder include frequent urination at night, dry throat upon awakening, personality changes and or mood swings, depressions, failure to focus for so long, irritability, having a trouble learning new things, loss of memory, morning headaches and fatigue.

On the whole, the disorder is caused by presence of fat buildup or loss of muscle tone particularly during old age. In this disorder, the tracheal muscles, soft palates present at the base of the tongue as well as the uvula or the triangular small fleshy tissue that hangs from the center at the back of the throat tend to relax to a considerable extent and even collapse during breathing. To explain better, the windpipe or the trachea taut or its layers adhere which causes restriction of air flow toward the lungs. In addition, this disorder can take place because of malfunctioning neurons that control the breathing process once we are asleep. This sleeping disorder can be diagnosed using an overnight polysomnogram test at www.sleeptest.co.uk which is a sleep test that is extensively utilized to detect any sleeping problems and other related problems.

Even if this sleep disorder tend to be common and not very serious, this can cause some serious health problems. And if this is not treated, this can lead to worsening ADHD, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, hypertension, sexual dysfunction and depression. Click this website to know more about health, visit https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bad-wellness-trends-from-2018_n_5c0a9163e4b0b6cdaf5eb2b9.

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